Poems from raynetorbett
An alarm cries,
“panic attack,” she sighs.
Every morning it repeats,
she grits her teeth.
Feet on the floor,
a click sounds as she...
You can not be defined, not by single words or poets' lines.
But yet, I am the poet up to the challenge of trying,
to my owns words, being...
Langston wrapped himself in dreams,
Some believe he inspired Mr. King,
Jr., that is, I Have A Dream,
the speech which split the seams.
A beautiful, vibrant green leaf, pricked from a tree
by the wind.
A yellow leaf flattened by passersby, misplaced
in the wind.
Not lonely, loved her family.
Not alone, but strong enough to do it on her own.
A radiant soul, free as a breeze,