Poems from powerful.imani
I'm a 20 year old girl with many DREAMS to change the world to be that girl who could not only help myself but help others . To be a leader and to be able to express my everyday life through poetry.POETRY is my everything its the only thing in this world that I can hold on to when everything else fails.
Silence again and Watch and see.
A reflection of me some how slipped though my mask and made it's self known underneath the cracks that I...
Heal my wings so I have the strength to touch the clouds.
That my faith becomes my title as Imani.
That perfection is not what...
Yet me walk in your shoes so I can soften them up so your feet don't touch the hard ground you step on.
Let me take your heart and heal...
How did you miss that...
Might as Well called me stupid...
Don't give up.
Well gone and watch me fail...
You are stressed...
Let me unravel the doors of hell and let you burn in the mist of fire As I drowned in the water of the drops of damage because I didn't...