Poems from pambrosy

I am a former foster youth and avid artist gifted in music, choir, art, painting, martial arts, and poetry.
I enjoy reading and writing fine literature as well as composing or playing classic pieces on the piano.
To give and to learn but more importantly to express this is what is know as art when a soul is given a chance to shine let it be known that this kindled spirit express best in emotions. To express boldly and freely this is my interpretation of poetry.
From the heat in the air is all but driven,
Lasting Hopes and dreams are share within sunlight,
Artistic passion of creativity shares is...
I have cried
And feel
Like I've just died
I don't know whyyyyyy.
I hurt so bad
I get so mad
When the pain
Hits me hard
It feels like acid...
White angel of the calm night,
Your elegance truly shines so bright,
A white speckale falls on your porcelian skin,
As it touched sending a...
So as we walk and listen upon thy word,
people cry as they look up into the sky,
feathers falls towards us from the birds,
within ourselves...
One seems to cry and falls
The beliverance is but all
The sorrow and pain
Burns faster the the acid of rain
Your heart is broken