Poems from onegbujie1
Loveliest of tress, the cherry now
Is hung with bloom along the bough
And stands about the woodland ride
Wearing white for Easter tide.
We have come home
From the bloodless war
With sunken heart.
We have come home
Bringing the pledge
Which is written in rainbow colours
Let them know that i said this
Let them know i do not fear them any more
Let them know i am ready to fight them.
Be him Igbo
Be him...
As virtous men pass mildly away
And whisper to their souls to go
Whilist some of their sad friends do say
"The breath goes now," and some...
The bloated stomachs
In stinking gutterrs
The naked ribs
Of sprawling skeletons
Hoot for a time bomb.
I say
Horror begets horror