Poems from nikhilparekh

There was a time when she was the most unparalleled flirtation of the entire atmosphere; whilst today she had solely become the...
My mental imagery fluctuates,As beads of sweat drip down voraciously,Spearheads of steel stab my skin,Plucking away huge chunks of my...
I was born with a thick shock of curly hair,Silky strands of light brown cascading down my scalp,Broad outlines of eyebrow fringe,They were...
The wind blows at a soft tune,As I sit in the full light of the Sun,Profound with the power to enchant,Teasing tiny grass stalks with all...
A plethora of dark veined leaves; whispered frantically to the silhouette of plum tree,To stand like a mountain in turbulent winds; not to...
