Poems from mhartm93

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I love sign language & hope to become an interpreter. I'm also a published poet and I love to express myself in many ways. http://www.sunflowerpoetry93.weebly.com
It’s the size of your fist constantly pumping blood It’s the only thing separating you from death It’s the only thing keeping you alive and...
He caught my eye at once And I've felt different since He isn't pushy and to women shares a rare amount of respect And from most men this...
I wander through the dark Searching for a leading light Something to follow and trust Hoping to find a way out of darkness   I find myself...
I don't understand Why people betray me Why there's so much sexual sin Why my mom can still love me after all I've done But most of all...
I’m tired of people dying That I can’t stop crying It’s like a knife to the heart A breath from the lungs departs Hearts are heavy with...
