Poems from mgrullon920

Ciao! My name's Miguel. I'm kind off an addict when it comes to Art. For me masterpieces say a lot about a person; and every pièce de résistance has its own unique story to tell.
Oh Monsieur, oh Monsieur
Comment allez-vous?
Comment va votre journée?
Quite obsessed, with all
Consuming thoughts, controlling a being...
Plains of grey unkept
As if wild and free
Where the horses play and weep
Surrounded by yards, fresh flesh
As the viola riviniana lurks at...
I walk on broken glass while awake.
I’m blind yet I fly,
I soar the skies with no true purpose
A cadaverous smile branded on my face...
Love in denial
Truly pathetic indeed
Disobeying that, that is religion
That, which is faith,
Disobeying that, that is Allah’s will
The torture of life dissipates slowly,
So slowly that the pain never truly vanishes.
The tragic agony is so strong,
That even with love in...