Poems from lizawrites
My skull broke the day I was born.
It was too fragile for the ventouse used to deliver me
and for the first eighteen years of my life I...
3 a.m. is the hour of blank solitude
and wet eyes that ache in memory of a lover who is no longer there.
3 a.m. is the hour of a dark and...
I have a poem on my lips,
That mouths the wonder of his eyes,
and it waits to erupt at any moment.
I have a poem on my lips,
I wear it...
There are 5 stages in a girl’s life, and they begin when she meets the boy who will unknowingly teach her about the heart-wrenching...
It’s almost three in the morning and you aren’t trembling with adrenaline thinking about the next time you will see him. There is not a...