Poems from kibesso
Is is not better to be rid of a wish than to hold it close.
It is better to rumble with the tides of the time that you lost your...
I hope you know I am gone.
I am immortal. Unsoiled.
Many feet have trodden on me yet,
I remain clean.
Hope is drenched in the darkest...
Rotten apple, Rotted teeth
Sharps of glass, it's on me
Glistened eyes, foaming mouth
Hot flame, bat wool.
Cleanse the cloth-
Pour the oil...
I couldn't have known what it was like to walk on broken glass.
I could not have known the crockery of the house we built would fall to the...
There's nothing better
Than the feeling I used to get
To stick myself
with a thought
a word
or a needle
but the needle
was the best
and it...