Poems from jake.s.bradley.1

I stagger toward the end weeping, wailing, fighting. The end is nigh and I'm not ready. I so desperately want to go back But the bane of my...
On a pedestal she lorded My lowly insufficient life. Idealized was her everything And no wrong could she do. No- She was no queen, nor a...
Graveyard for the living Is what I saw that day. Reeked of death and decay. Gray and dank, each tomb filled With two or three dead ones....
A bat with a broken wing. He could not see, nor hardly move. Useless some say, As they pass him off. But Had they seen what I have They...
Excellence inherent, We are born with honor. No, a person shall not Be lesser than another. We are all equal in Greatness. You're a Loman.