Poems from jadeugarte
i’ve always been a hopeless romantic,writing poems and prose about the boyswho stole my heart: their big brown eyes,thick eyebrows, and...
i’ll tear your touch
right off my skin,
wipe your kiss
off of my lips,
blink away all sights of you,
rip every little
shred of you
out of...
little fire,
lick me with
your seductive flames.
soothe me with
your warm embrace.
you mesmerize me
with your every step
as you dance...
is a scary thing.
it can be taken
so easily,
ripped away
from your grasp,
snatched away
from your clutch
when you’re already
a quiet beach,
golden sand,
and crisp blue waves ;
it seems to be
the perfect place.
you set down your towel,
put on your...