Poems from hollypoppers
I'm very emotional and have been diagnosed with depression. Hug I'm fighting it best I can and writing and drawing helps!
I try so hard everyday.
I try to make you love me,
I try to love you,
But it only goes away..
Goes more each day.
I try to please everyone...
I wonder if any one walks by me,
Perhaps in school, or on the street.
And maybe think..
Hey she's cute.
Or damn check her out.
I wonder if...
You Make me see,
see the acne,
see the my hair knotted,
see my eyes buldging--baggy,
see my body sleep deprived,
see my legs quiver,
I love him,
But nothings the same,
the love has grown so dim,
I wanted us back, but it never came,
I love him,
but I'm so done with this...