Poems from harleyqxox

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I mostly write about my life, the things I feel and the things that I have been through. I am 23 years old and writing is my passion.
"Hello?" No answer. "Hello?"  I try again. Still, no answer. I call yur name, I get no response. I scream your name. I still get no...
To constantly fear....everything, It's like, Like a baby bird who is about to fly for the very first time. Like a ittle kid on his very...
Can't anyone see me? See this fake smile on my face? See these tears that I hold back? Can't you see the pain that I'm in? You all see this...
Little birdie, Fly away from home, It's not so scary, Out there on your own. It's a beautiful world that you ought to see, Don't be...
Everytime iy's supposed to get better, But it never does But this time,  This time it will.   No more waiting on the sidelines, No more...
