Poems from hannah_bubar19

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I've been writing poetry for a while, but just joined a poetry club this year!
Hell By: Hannah Bubar   Look, how many times do I have to write about you? My diary stained with the pain and tears. You say I’m a liar,...
My Devotion to Anger Poem Hannah Bubar   One second is all that it takes for you to come; Yet you can stay for minutes, hours, days, weeks...
This Year  Hannah Bubar   This year is going to be one of the most difficult years of your life. You should’ve come prepared, But you can...
 Time’s Up   By: Hannah Bubar       His hands  On me, I’m crying          On the inside;          “You’re sexy” He says        But I don’t...
Bottle Things Up By: Hannah Bubar   You have said a lot of things That hurt me, That make me cry and Make my heart bleed; Whatever you...
