Poems from fearlessstars
Living virtualistic through myself. The road I wanted to follow choose me and I can see the cosmos to know itself.
I remember only moments where my actions manifested the belief of my passion,
choosing my next universe through what I have learned in this one.
My fears got lost in dreams, sensing what needed to be done with no thinking.
I believe in fairy tales, especially with dragons and how to tame them.
I do not need any strange faith to worship that celestial brilliance.
Dismissing everything what insults my soul and faithful in those small things,
because it is in them where our strength is.
World at stage in ones act
infectious comedy naming fact
trapped in mirror of shadows
cannot escape from living arrows
words that hide...
Destinies dance given romance
touching freedoms trance
Rhythms charisma with attitude
virtues vices absolute
Grooving flow expression...
Absolute gorgeous pursuit
keep everybody with stories mute
continual chasing the impossible
chronic fatigue bible
her rope of boundaries...
Foaming horizon sapphire
fountain eye to admire
living elements to dream
motions in all extreme
ethereal dance of blue
never ending new...
not a moment without your name
images never the same
the cup you hold to fill
to still the heart beyond until
from the spring of infinity...