Poems from fastbreak78
What’s that you’re eating?
“A torus”
It looks like a doughnut to me
“Is not the Caspian Sea a body of water?
Is not food the same as...
I gulp down the whiskey Wildfire on the way down Smell those fumes What is it really? Acid, Acid It dwells within me It eats me from...
Fresh Crisp The smell of fall Peace Lull Tendrils of cloud They are a shroud They block my view My coffee, I brew Awake to the day I must...
Incandescent light streams into the room
It flows like an ever-bending broom
Diodic light floods the hall
All else becomes a blur
A glacier...
Soldiers man the ramparts
Beer and wine are rife
A soldier makes his rounds
Peace is at hand
The soldier careth not
Yet, he does