Poems from dreamer_of_improbable_dreams
Your sweetness,
tender words,
are kisses on my dissected heart.
Scarlet with my idiocy,
a crown of shame.
Fool's fool,
parading in...
People like you are dangerous creatures,
hiding behind smiles,
and preachers.
Fallen from grace,
says you,
just beacause you don...
Melodica laughter,
thrill in her eyes,
innocence cloaking her features.
She enters and with her a parade,
emotions of inconceivable valor...
There are dreams you cannot dream,
There are songs you cannot possibly sing.
Days of angels,
Nights of ravens,
you will never kiss,
Lively soul,
from the house of ocean and heavens,
Plagued by malady at every turn,
pierced by cupid's arrow,