Poems from chief
My name is Ryan but everybody calls me chief. i'm a Jazz bassist from San Diego but i'm living in Arcata and studying music at HSU. i'm a poet because i think to much.
You’re talkin
too much
throw your body
to The Gears
someone will
come by to
clean it up
My house is
so thoroughly
that the
nastiest ghosts
all ran away
You lied down
opposite me
and we became
the polar ends
of a yin and yang
an endless oxymoron
spiraling to oblivion
we devoured
each other...
Go quietly
pawn your guitar
and seek
professional help
we all gotta die
start now
grow up
You better
watch your back
i’ve been reading
up on Ghandi
i’ve got no
secret legions
but i’ll tell you
what you might
already know
i’m an...