Poems from cantyoudoanythingright

im not that great at rhyming poems, i just write down whatever comes to mind, i also have my own style, I don’t tend to do specific types of poems, which may be weird but i like it
i know whats coming i know what i did im ashamed   i feel the heat on my face allready they havent even said a word   my knees are weak as...
why do you give all this frustration to our generation, i mean what’s with all the memorization of multiplication, combination, and...
i call out do you hear me my voice echos in my head   but you dont notice you keep on walking and i fall   im falling in my own head the...
when i look in the mirror i only see my face im reminded of my faults i feel large and out of place   people say im pretty i don't believe...
i go to take a step then pause, and wait what if this isn't real what if it's bait   so i sit there and overthink i always do im always so...
