Poems from atx.kiara

atx.kiara's picture
Hello, my name is Kiara, im 15 years old and just want to share my poems and gain tips from anyone :) Please leave comments and feedback on my poems <3
Im looking at myself in the mirror My reflection looking back at me Staring at myself  Looking myself up and down My emotions feel stranded...
I feel ugly Im not pretty enough My bodys a weird shape And im too skinny I need to eat more  Im a "stick" The hair on my arm and the gaps...
Its 12:48 am I wanna go to sleep But I cant I dont have energy But somethings there Something thats keeping me awake I wanna walk but...
Its around 3 in the morning Im not able to sleep The thoughts in my head keeping me awake My thoughts taking away my sleep No matter how...
Am I dreaming?  People dying New disease and isolation Its all like some type of dream  Were calling it social distancing To protect and...
