Poems from arepple

I am just a small time kid, with BIG time dreams. I just hope one day I can make them all come true.
Football Player
Sports Enthusiast
Aviation Junky
No matter where I go, I can't explain away,
the limitless attraction to a girl who knows her way.
She's a mystery to us all,
and a puzzle...
One ride away,
a ride filled with men.
To battle they go,
in defense of their kin.
Some sleep and some pray,
some bask in the din,
Right when Im feeling high,
and im lifting off the ground,
you look up into the sky,
and you reach and pull me down,
Youre like a tick...
Inside a mall I see a man,
about as tall or taller than me.
Near the pearly marble fountain he stands,
just about happy as happy can be....
What's UNDER the ARMOUR?
What's inside the shell?
What stirs up the STORM?
What causes the swell?
When times get tough,
Do I run and then...