Poems from angreenfields
Alexius, known to their friends as Alex, is currently writing poetry in Minneapolis, MN, USA. They write with heavy metaphor and intense emotion, or at least try to. Their interests include foreign languages, English arts, feminism, and sticking it to the man.
young man, you owe me your innocence
forget the dull waving of the wisteria vine.
you look at me,
crying for the reason of man. ...
She wore tragedy like a fine diamond
And her court were tiny dolls
So easily broken;
The queen of jilted hearts and plastic pearls.
Is it easier to know
That the wrath in the eye of an angry lover
Has been forged in that
Which will forever be stronger than malice
Can I bring my eyes out of my face and clean them
Smooth away the exhaustive rattling
Of a hamster’s wheel
Around and around goes the year...
you would love her too
if you would only see her
sitting in a sun-saturated kitchen
with a flower in her hair
and a lyrical...