Poems from WordSmith_15
It’s been a couple months.
The pictures are all gone.
But there's no delete button
For the pictures in my head.
Or the words that you said...
I rearrange my personality and fix my face,
Tuck my curse words and laid back cool college kid demeanor
Back into my pocket,
Leave my...
I really hate art.
I mean really hate art.
All I could manage to pencil out was
A disproportional stick figure.
So when I walked in and...
When my seventh grade self,
Riled up over the excitement of having a girlfriend,
Came out to my mom I said,
“Hey mom. I’m gay.”
I wish you called me baby like her.
But as soon as your lips curved,
The barely audible sound waves pierced the air,
I wish you hadn’t.