Poems from Wired6

Worn- Who Are You? Why I am Per-so-nae- The Solid Truth!   ©Wired6. 8/10/2021.
Blur Or Oasis- Which Of Them Do You Prefer? Plurality,singular in view!   ©Wired6. 8/10/2021
He adjusts his black and yellow headphones, purchased at,"∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆."  Spillage of notes hitting densely secreted pink and red rocky ground...
"One- arm-bandit." they shouted at he 1983,one of the years' his bullies treated him cruely. Decades later nothing has changed for he,...
My uncle died of breast cancer. Yes!- you heard right- My uncle died of breast cancer not so long ago. Before his fix,fix,fixedly,fixedly,...
