Poems from THE CROW

HELLO. I think that poetry should rhyme. If it doesn't rhyme, it's just talk. Poetry should be a celebration not a conversation. - The Crow
I had a math teacher
When I was in eighth grade
We' d hang out at his house
And play video games
I thought it was a little strange
I hate wiener dogs
I don't care what you say
My uncle had one
And that dog was gay
With his ugly wiener face
And his long wiener body...
Crusin' in the ride late one night
My eyes beheld an eerie site
I saw him in the rearview, pull up tight
It looks like a cop might die...
Have you ever heard of Nikola Tesla
His brain was super large
But, when your that smart
You threaten those in charge
He had many...
I was in a big city
And got a hotdog from a street vendor
It taste sooooo good
Ketchup, onions, chili and cheddar
As I walked home with a...