Poems from Sometimesapoetryperson

I write when I am upset. Most of my poems are depressing. Just a warning.
Contemplating life without you is like attempting to contemplate a world without laughter. Because without you there is no laughter. Your...
I thought you would never leave, but you did. You grew up and moved away, started your own life. You left me here with the pain and the...
Anger is my mask. It is the wall I hide behind. If you are angry, one will bother you. I stay angry because it is all I have left. I stare...
This target on my forehead is really fucking loud. It calls all those who are hurting and tells them to pick on me. I am an easy target,...
I walk through school and I look at the sea of faces. Except, I do not see faces, I see walls. The walls that people hide behind to seem...
