Poems from ShortyDoowop
You’re the crush of a lifetime.
You’re always on my mind.
I whisper to my girls like, “ooo, girl, ain’t he fine ?”
I want you to be mine...
Intellect, respect, is what it takes to connect with a girl like me.
Brothas these days are too enslaved into a negative mentality to...
Young brotha
Young brothaWhat makes you say the shit you say?Why do you like to hear yourself talk?Why are you wasting your life away?Your...
I am standing on the corner begging for changeChange for foodChange that could bless my lifeI need change of all sortsIt’s wintertime I...
Tell me all about youI want to hearYour dreamsYour hopesAll that you fearI wouldn’t mind knowing about youAre you as intriguing as you...