Poems from Shayla_jayy

Shayla_jayy's picture
Crafty and also Decent.
My idea of you, in my head; maybe unethical. I see you beyond the stars. Through light years, It's almost uncanny. I've felt you before in...
Searching for the bridge back home.  I wondered too deep into the forest, I lost myself along the way. I put a marker at every milestone to...
One foot in, one foot out!  Where is the Balance.  We're all learning to consider the Good and the Bad the Ugly and the Sad! But, whats...
Time after time again I find myself looking for satisfaction in others.  I ask myself is this really what this is all about, is this really...
Learning that there is beauty in patience.  The in the meantimes and in between times are purely important. Its almost as if the struggle...
