Poems from Robert Williford

Honorably discharged disabled veteran from Arkansas. Did a 12 month tour in Europe and a 6 week deployment to Northwest Africa. I speak a little German and a lot of Spanish. Many Vets lose their way/purpose in life. Your new mission in life, the most important you will ever have, is to become a better father, husband, son and neighbor. It doesn't make you weak to become a better human being. You don't have to be one of the military statistics who either commit suicide or end up in prison.
Feelings and emotions
Worn on my sleeve
Swallowing the ocean
At times I can’t breathe
Such joy bubbling
From deep inside
Just can’t...
What’s wrong with the world today
Is to many people complain and say
What they don’t have
And what they want to grab
Stop all the...
WHEREAS, the accenting mist kiss the skies
as the sun warms the snow-capped rise
I love you; and
WHEREAS, the heavens and earth share...
Life, breath-takingly wonderful
I want to shout as I heave my insides out
Yet I feel so great
Emotional roller-coaster extremes
Ugly fat...
Some maggots complain
Unsure of shoulder bumps
That invariably appear
With burdens they cry
“Why am I afflicted?”
While other larvae...