Poems from R4dioRebel

I'm a freshman in high school, still trying to find the right path to take. My family, friends, and faculty pressure me to the extent where I don't know anymore. I write out frustrations in a secret journal. Cliché that it's hidden under my bed, I know. Seldom, I also write in forms of poetry, which I despised for the longest time. Sometimes people go to a last resort to escape this world.
I once had a friend. I told her the truth. The truth was mixed and gossip spread.
I once had a friend. I told her a lie. The lie spread...
A Love
can be
People always make analogies
Saying birds are free; they want to be birds.
What is a bird? Nothing more than hair.
Hair floats in water,...
TARDIS is blue
Fandoms are life
but I do believe there is
that could cure my love
for no matter
how I love Scandal
or Supernatural...
Only very few in this world have seen an unmasked being.
We've all hidden our true selves at some relative point.
Two people in this world...