Poems from NirvanaQueen1991

NirvanaQueen1991's picture
I am a poet, musician, and strong proponent of LGBTQ rights, gender equality, and being your true self no matter what ANYONE says. Do what you please, comment anything that comes to your mind, make you happy first. Then your dog/cat. That's pretty much it. Hail Santa. THE END.
Forsee your meek  bleak  it does not compare to the vivid monotony of your daily  blind. do you not have sense enough to care in a...
I just love Valentine's Day The time when people blindly throw shitty chocolate at random girls just for the hell of it in hopes they'll...
Take your life and take your pain take a bowl and take a game take a pill or slice your wrist or watch a rom com when you're pissed Kill...
As the steps outside are taken from the once pitch black demon eyes garage yellow gazers... The desert UPS package rain clouds like adobe...
I wish I wasn't real Then I could be real And pretend to be my consious self and never fade away Cos then I'd be invisible and then I'd be...
