Poems from Nate the Great

Nate the Great's picture
this is my life I have a few accounts on here due to my short memory and crowded mind.
Blank SpaceBy Nashon KempOkay sooooo....I'm just sitting here relaxed in my room looking at the ceilingThinking about you and all I put...
AloneIf a tree falls in the woods does someone hear itIf my heart is dark but light I emit like a bulb...do I have an empty soulIts as if...
SmileNashon KempHu its funny I guess...I put on a smile while this pain this hurt devours me inside its like its an inward demon and I can...
PostmortemNashon KempI sit there in postmortem as the death around me slowly creeps among me .cold blood cold heart yet my skin it burns...
las noches de bellezaPor Nashon kempEstos son días de belleza acaricio u como cierro mis ojos, brazos rapeados su alrededor, ya que...
