Poems from MemorySensory

MemorySensory's picture
I like to wright to get things out...Im doing this as a venting tool....but if someone likes my work that'd be great too.
An overwhelming sense of clarity strikes my soul, as I look deep into her eyes...I can almost see another spirit with a missing half that...
I write, to express...  When I type, it relives stress...  But no matter how many times,  I confide to my keyboard....  I always still feel...
Relief, it came to me in a dream once.Soft round edges, vibrant light, warm caress of the soul...In a dream once, I felt whole. So many day...
You know they say 'It gets better''Just hold on threw all this bad weather'Mistakes were made, this much I know...A soul once bright with...
Glower, Scower, and Gaze....I see a glimpse of it through the haze...Fixed, Furtive, And Faint...A part of my soul to dirty to taint......
