Poems from MemeBHeart

MemeBHeart's picture
I’m a bright, young girl who loves the Lord more than my friends and families and neighbors do. When I was little, I use to have my kindly smile when I learned how to be safe from traffic and strangers. My parents, Mr. Lara Bee and Mena Love Mars Heart, were pharmacists, that means they’re special doctors who make and give away vaccines for sick people. I was named after my mother, who gently touches me, and my father bakes cakes and cleans the yard, and I helped him with that. Whenever I got hurt, God will always help get me well for flying and my healthy heart.
Some bad bug strangers in stealth eat most miserable good bugs in like beautiful butterflies and busy bees everyday, and they always do...
The blue skies turned grey.Rain pours down to the dry ground.And all the winds howl.
The Happy Smile Incantation Poem My smile shining bright, that’s my powerful, healthy drink that’ll help get me healthy and well night and...
