Poems from M_Love559

Hey all. I'm new to this site. Just wanted to try something new... I write the poems I write mostly for me. To *positively* get out what ever is trying to wildly escape from inside me at the moment... About me.. When I love - I LOVE. I don't have too many friends... So... I'm a super home body. I don't like to cuss. I don't litter. I don't steal. I don't lie. I'm a VERY strong believer in KARMA.. & whatever is left of my HEART hurts a lot, a lot, a lot right now... It's broken... Shattered.... and my mind is currently in turmoil and sometimes I might not make any sense.... I apologize in advance. I don't get me either... But... I love you. Be love too.
I want to genuinely smile and have real friends that make me laugh..
Even more than that - I really want to get my life back on track......
You told me, "It's over..." again. I know that, Jorge... It's been over.
You know that and I know that.. And of course...
You KNOW I know...
To My Ex, J . G . .....
I don't want to think about you anymore.
Nothing is the way it was "before.."
You are not the same person that I...
We've been down this road before.
Each time it hurts a little more.
I really don't know WHAT you want from me.
When we are doing good, WHY...
There's nothing more I'd like to do,
then snuggle in close and fall asleep with you..
& right now I'm a lot closer to you than I've...