Poems from Kinley Baker

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I am really into Poetry and I love to write. I am currently going to Central Michigan University to become an Educator with a Major in English and a Minor in Biology and American Sign Language. I hope to someday be a published author and to be able to spread my passion for writing and creativity to others. :3
Standing in a line You're running out of time Two girls left Who do you pick next Never I do they see But the person next to me There's...
I hate myself for what I have done Yet no one really knows but me A promise that I made to myself And broke it all the same I knew this day...
I'm trying not to do anything that would upset you I'm trying to hold my ground I'm trying to be okay with the situation Even when...
You are my light The light that keeps me shining I think of you And my life gets brighter My mini me A person not related by blood But by...
Without a mirror I see myself as beautiful Life with its flowers And sunshine shining through the windows A pretty girl With a slim face...
