Poems from Kent Reese

An aspiring poet and writer from Mid-Ohio. I'm excited that you came and looked at my profile! Hope you like what you read.
Equal we are in the shadows.Wearing our dark façades until we fade into the black.Light shining on us, we are the sameAll dark people...
It’s been black, a long time.
It’s been lonely all the time.
I’m ready, yes ready.
I’m ready to move on.
And everything has changed, I can’...
Seldom do I hear the rushing rain in December.Yet here it is, pouring down the metal and siding, making a waterfall-like audible sensation....
The fight is over.
I’m sinking like a stone before the tide.
The Heroes have gone
The fight is over
But still the beckoned rhythms of your...
I was a soldier whose name was not knownI walked onto the battlefield, where no man roamed.I looked out to see what else existed.And I saw...