Poems from Jasleenkb

They said Body is shame So I hid every inch of it growing up Thanks to your uninvited stares that now clothes feel like a trap and I am...
  The shaking from head to toes, the drug demeaning, the depth of the hollow bones. It keeps you staring into oblivion,  The merciless...
  In the midwinter a dazzling storm,  left only to feel, the here, the now and the gone. A hazy mirage not so hazy, not so mirage.  Stood...
Lies they told you- lies you tell,  in the middle lies right  of the wrongs they sold. Unfold, the twisted the twined- broken mirrors, bury...
​Traces of flickering light glimpsing over lightless faces lost in the lands they shall call home. Faces, therein lostness, close but not...
