Poems from Jaelen23

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Just your average every day guy who is battling depression, anxiety and life in general. I write to get my negative thoughts out of my head and to be a voice for those who are not yet willing to talk about these diseases.
 We argue yes and we may fight But yours I remain at the end of each night Our love is a bond getting stronger each day With you I am happy...
I hate the way you make me feel You fooled me to think what we had was real I wanted us to last Now all I think of is putting you in the...
Let me be the voice for all those who remain silent For when the days are dark and you feel sad and violent To often I hear what can cause...
I once loved so much it almost killed me But now it kills me that love like that can never be Jaelen Johnston 1-28-16
Do you think about me the way I think about you? I often wonder wat you are up to Does your heart ache when you remember my face? Without...
