Poems from Ian Mccleary

Poetry is important to my life because it gives me a way of saying things I never imagined were in me. My poems deal with all kinds of subjects, my attitude on today's culture, art, corporations, nature, etc. But these aren't the only things that I write about in my poetry. I don't have a favorite poet, but probably Michael McClure is the poet I have learned the most from, from his readings on YouTube.
The Grecian muses are dancing in a picture by my face as I dust around the frame with a featherduster I have been an unreceptive vessel for...
Nostalgia is the only thing we have left A culture created for us to consume could this be leading us to question our own susceptibility to...
One day every business will be converted into an artist's studio. Business is a dead art form, and does not guarantee a culture it's...
To promote their belief in salvation They will present questions for the intellect like a thirty second commercial Signs will line the road...
Mom, you are the Rosa Mystica in real look at all you've done for me, it's not worth it for me to revere the dead, when there are people...
