Poems from Expressive TI

Expressively angry✍️! A reflection of the inner mind. 💯💪
What's religion? What's ChrisTianity....?🤔 I guess it's a people's believes,tradition and history! Why are we all so enslaved to a mere...
The world was born outta love' Sustained by love and was rekindled by love! Never was it created for personal gains or personal...
There were times; I pledged to Nigeria' to be faithful, loyal &honest .✔️ To defend her unity and uphold her glory! With. A heart...
Life itself is wild... Yet we all ignored the reality that comes with it. Never truly in harmony with truth... Animals live in the jungle...
 We all have our opinions; We all have our choices, it's either good or bad. We all sometimes claim to know it all; yet we are all flawed;...
