Poems from EmCHammer95

EmCHammer95's picture
I am a self reliant individual who is greatly motivated into pursing myself, finding things to achieve and to simply bask in the greatness this world has to offer and one of those things is knowledge so therefore my education!
She's always ready to run. Heart slamming in her chest. In this moment nothing not the sound of the yelling not the image in her head can...
There is no such thing as no filter Can you not see, that all the information given cannot be expressed to thee? There is data in the...
I see your language arise from your lips. Tingling underneath my skin. Amazing how you watch it take shape. The vowels slowly finding...
You are all flawless, with every laboured breath. The oxygen in your veins making you lighter than the air itself. Rise above the...
The person behind the curtain. I had forgotten it was me, but who am I? Only an identity. This curtain is my mirror like the eyes to my...
