Poems from Em Anekaf

A lawyer to be who dabbles in acting, singing, dancing, cooking, knitting, reading, writing and ranting about mental illness, since I suffer from OCD and depression myself. I'm happiest when I'm at church. If you take the time to read my work and tell me what you think, I'll love you forever.
Oh, bear,you rage and roarincomprehensiblyYou are angry, but I don’t know why.
Oh, bear,you rage and roarall the morebecause you cannot...
Today in English class, we learned how one wordcan have many different meaningswhich I guess explains why so many people lieand can deny...
Ragin monstersswarm from the deepto devour,murder.They must be vanquished.
The pretty dronesraise their perfectheads to laughat me.I don...
Wake me upin the middle of the night.Knock on my doortil I turn on the light.Tell me you’ve seensomething out of a dreamin the skytonight....
Plaster walls,full of cracksbreaking in.Press my backagainst the door…Falling through the floor.Mirror, mirror that I see,Mirror, dear, do...