Poems from Elijher

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Im 17 years old and was born in Jersey City, New Jersey. Im a type one diabetic and love to write music, poetry, and stories. I've been writing since i was 9 years old and began writing at a higher level at the age of 14. My writings have been published in Schools and Literary Arts magazines.
As it lies there in the desperate urge to escape the hole that becomes my heart; wondering each day why you dont want me as it becomes a...
Her voice followed me everywhere I stepped, haunting my love for her when I knew she was at rest. calling my name, my heart has chills,...
What becomes of your life and what becomes of yourself; to run away from it all that you could not have felt. How you could live free and...
It only becomes a constant remembrance that your life becomes an imprisonment; Living yet dying each second but wasn't put in our eyes to...
The air she is forced to breath only burns inside her lungs; As she trembles to fall down the wrong path she still runs.  Her legs broken...