Poems from Courtney.Potter
pressing down
enveloping all the senses
the clearest of anwsers
firmer than a shouted "NO!"
which resoundsmoff the halls
reflected back a...
is how it feels
to drive home
and be recieved by an empty house
while your friends go to get pie
and didn't invite you
is how it...
I have been broken
so many times
that I am afraid
so afraid
that the pieces of my heart that remain
are jagged and rough
what if no one...
All I am is bonesBreakable and bendableBird bonesHollowed out, emptyCreating a superficial beingSupposed to be sturdyBut empty of...
my body convulsesShaking andWrenchingteartearteartearStreams down my checksOverflowing
Sob after sobEscapingBreakingBurstingShattering my...