Poems from Cardioid

My name is Tamara, and I'm a teen from the States. I tend to mostly write fiction rather than poetry, but dabbling every now and then doesn't hurt! My imagination is pretty vast so expect some weird occurrences in my writings.
Obligatory Explanation Section -
1) "The Discontentment of One" - (Posted on May 30, 2013 for Slam What You Will Scholarship Competition) - I'm pretty sure a great number of people don't understand what the heck is going on in the poem. Well, I'll use this section to explain that. The poem starts with the setting of night (a horrible night in the protagonist's point of view) that is being raged by storms. One sits alone in a rocking chair as she always does and thinks. Her thoughts are peaceful, but while she is conscious, she is miserable because her family is basically falling apart. Every night, however, when One is asleep, she dreams of sitting in that same chair and of someone much like herself, but very different, sitting in a chair parallel to hers. That is Two, who is everything One wants to be. The two never speak to each other (mostly because One's jealously keeps her from accepting Two), and Two is the first to start a conversation one evening in October. She asks the simple question of when will One accept that she's fine the way she is and stop putting herself down. One answers with that as long as she's alive, Two will be alive. Which means as long as One is alive, she will keep wishing she is someone else. Two didn't speak again after that and both of them relaxed in their respective chairs. One was unhappy as usual, even more so after the exchange, but at the moment, she realized that she could be at peace as long as she is asleep and worry about her problems once again in the morning.
Aforetime another wretched night
Many a tempest raged the Heavens
And One sat vacantly in that rocking chair
Her thoughts a bleary cloud...