Poems from Breanna Harlow

Breanna Harlow's picture
I'm a 14 year old not-so-happy poet who doesn't know what she's doing with her life. If you think I can do better with my poems plz leave a comment. Almost all of my poems are about one person btw so if you're seeing like repeating feelings thats why. Also my snapchat is @chknnuggs4life so add me I guess.
Why Am I So Sad Is it because Im alone Or that i always want to be Maybe it's because of him Or her Or you The very person reading this...
Please Please just leave me alone I cant anymore Why would you do this to me How could i have been so stupid Now you think That i just can...
Bleeding eyes Dull lives Sharp knives Beautiful girl cries Cutting all ties Best friend lies Rumors alive About the only thing Keeping her...
