Poems from Bisonmeat100
As i black man i take a stand
To hold a pencil instead of a gun in my hand
To be successful and infuriate the Klan
To teach my son to...
No filter
Is the picture that killed her
Every like and emoji she obtained healed her
But the issue was deeper than filters
It was her...
Who am i?
Am i a man with lost strength?
What am i?
Am i a freezer with no heat?
Where am i?
Am i in a mental prison for my insecurities?...
Am i flawless because i have a skin tone as bronze as a roman shields?
Am i flawless because I am brave enough to differentiate myself...
Wealth is not relevant at the sunsets
The sunset is not a place
The sunset is a happiness that can only be dream
Or is it?
The sunset is a...