Poems from Ashlee DeLine
America,the grand old U.S fo A,the soil withholdsthe sweat whichbuilt our strengthand pride.
Red,white,and bluecontinuallysways a cheery...
Middle age remainsto be a largeand powerfulsinglesilent owl.Observing allthat meets its largecircular eyesas it stares into thethick...
So much dependsupon
his broad and freckledshoulders
still and at silentattention
next to red, white, andblue.
Excitedly waking up in the morning of dancing, white, snowflakes,Young faces bright and aglow at the sight of silver and gold bows,The rays...
It swiftly flies,Dark is the sky,Drip drop, drip drop,Sounds roof atop.
All the trees bend,Without an end.With some control?Not this black...