Poems from Adriana Pine

Adriana Pine's picture
I am adopted My family is Black but I am Hispanic I love music I love art I love poetry
My life is so crazy right now  There's so much going on And it's takin me down I don't understand I can't comprehend  There are so many...
Listen Momma... This one is for you Momma I love you  Even though my actions  May not have shown the proof You the only Momma I've ever...
People try so hard to fit in But why? What's the outcome in the end? Just be yo self Yeah,  I know it's somethin You hear alot of people...
The highlight of my day Was going into class  And seeing your face You had a smile  That I cannot explain And the mother like instinct...
Oh my gosh what is happening There are earthquakes, tornadoes Hurricanes and tsunamis There are so many catastrophes That are damaging...
